nurfitri •Natas Online Web security training.
- my write-up for Natas
- Vulnerabilities here is sensitive information leak
- the answer is in the source code.
- pass: gtVrDuiDfck831PqWsLEZy5gyDz1clto
- same as before, but disabled right click.
- we can view source using CTRL+U
- or CTRL+SHIFT+C to open dev console.
- pass: ZluruAthQk7Q2MqmDeTiUij2ZvWy2mBi
- still sensitive information leak, but instead of on current source,
- it's is on other directory path called files
- we found users.txt
# username:password alice:BYNdCesZqW bob:jw2ueICLvT charlie:G5vCxkVV3m natas3:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX eve:zo4mJWyNj2 mallory:9urtcpzBmH
- here, there is nothing on the webpage itself.
- but there is a clue saying even google cant find it
- things that prevent google for indexing our website path is called robots.txt.
- this simple text file prevent google search engine to index any path mentions in this text file
- by navigating to the file, we see it is disallowing indexer bot from finding folder named /s3cr3t.
- there we found users.txt and
- read more on robots.txt here
- from here on things get more interesting,
- the webpage say something like this
- let open up developer console, and take a look at our request under Network Tab.
- what we are focusing is here at our request to view the webpage.
seems like the webpage is checking the origin of where we come from.
from quick google, we found out that if we change the referer header we might be able to tell the website, we are comming from which page.
so now we need to find a way to change our request header.
there are few ways we can do this such as:
- using BurpSuite
- using postman
- using CURL.
I prefer to use curl, but you can try other methods.
- to use curl, we first need to copy the Authorization token in our request header.
- alternatively we can use the -u tag with the username:password of natas4
Basic bmF0YXM0Olo5dGtSa1dtcHQ5UXI3WHJSNWpXUmtnT1U5MDFzd0Va
- then, we can start constructing our request.
- we use -H to set our authorization header to the token we coppied earlier.
- then we use -e to change the referer to
- alternatively we can also use -H to set our Referer header.
- the -H simply means to set Headers
- -b to set cookie.
- -A to set User-Agent.
- our curl request end up looking like this.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic bmF0YXM0Olo5dGtSa1dtcHQ5UXI3WHJSNWpXUmtnT1U5MDFzd0Va" -e "" | grep natas5
- we can also pipe it in grep to highlight the password
- after run it, we got the webpage
Access granted. The password for natas5 is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- here we got Access disallowed, We are not logged in.
- there are few possibilities here, login usually associated with session.
- let's take a look at the request and cookies via our Developer console.
- here we can see, there is a cookie called loggedin, and are set to 0.
- let us try change it to 1.
- on dev console, go to application tab > Storage > Cookies > click on natas5.
- here we can see the cookies used for this website.
- simply double click the value 0 of loggedin to edit it.
- after edit, simply refresh the page.
- we got
Access granted. The password for natas6 is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- here we got an input box asking for secret.
- inspecting the source code, we noticed, that the php code includes a file called
<? include "includes/"; if(array_key_exists("submit", $_POST)) { if($secret == $_POST['secret']) { print "Access granted. The password for natas7 is <censored>"; } else { print "Wrong secret"; } } ?>
- the files is used to check the secret.
- we try to see if we have access to the inclues/ by navigating to it on our browser.
- and indeed we can, and the file contains secret that we can use for the input.
<? $secret = "FOEIUWGHFEEUHOFUOIU"; ?>
- and we got this
Access granted. The password for natas7 is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX