nurfitri •NATAS7
- here we see a blank with navigation link.
- inspecting source code, we noticed that the site resolve the page via the page query. index.php?page
- input index.php?page=home, will yield a home page.
- but let's try input something that doesn't exits such as index.php?page=l33t
- we got warning looks like this.
- here the warning explain, that php code trying to include anything that we input as the query.
- it doesn't even sanities the input.
- this might results in file traversal attack, where we can make use of the include() method to navigate around filesystem.
- noted that we might not be able to view files, that we have no permission to look at.
- here we can manipulate the query params like this index.php?page=../
- this results in page trying to include /var/www/natas
- which maybe a directory one up above current page directories.
- we can try to traverse to /etc/passwd directory and we got the content of it.
root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/usr/sbin/nologin bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/usr/sbin/nologin sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/usr/sbin/nologin sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin man:x:6:12:man:/var/cache/man:/usr/sbin/nologin lp:x:7:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/usr/sbin/nologin
- we can navigate to other path if we want, let say /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- but let now try to navigate to /etc/natas_webpass/natas8
- here we found our password.
- here we see another input field that check for secret.
- inspecting the code, we see the secret but encoded.
- analysing the code, we found out that the secret are encoded via this process:
- based64_encode() -> strrev() -> bin2hex()
- all we got to do to decode this is to reverse the encoding process.
- hex2bin() -> strrev() -> base64_decode()
- there are multiple ways to solve this, via online tools, php function or just your linux os.
- in linux, we can manipulate hex value using xxd command.
- to manipulate base64 string we can use build in base64 command.
- to reverse string we can use rev command.
- to turn a string into a hex we can use it like this
echo "ourString" | xxd -p
- -p options simply print it in a plain format.
- to reverse the process we use -r.
- let's try it on our encodedSecret.
echo 3d3d516343746d4d6d6c315669563362 | xxd -r -p
- we get this which looks like a base64 format but in reverse.
- reversing a string is simple, simply run
echo "hello" | rev
and it will produce
- lets try it on our previous output.
echo ==QcCtmMml1ViV3b | rev
now we got the correct base64 format
- to create a base64 string simply run
echo "hello" | base64
and we will get
- to decode it we use the -d tag.
- lets try it on our previous output.
echo b3ViV1lmMmtCcQ== | base64 -d
we will get
- alternatively we can just combine all of the command in one line by piping each output to another.
echo 3d3d516343746d4d6d6c315669563362 | xxd -r -p | rev | base64 -d
- let's try to use this in the input field.
- and we got the password.
Access granted. The password for natas9 is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- here we see another input that take our input as search keywords.
- future inspecting the source, we see that it use passthru on our input.
- reading the docs, explain that, passthru enable us to pass os command and get the output data.
- we notice that the passthru function in this code, use grep to search for text.
<? $key = ""; if(array_key_exists("needle", $_REQUEST)) { $key = $_REQUEST["needle"]; } if($key != "") { passthru("grep -i $key dictionary.txt"); } ?>
- we know that using grep command we can read content of a file.
- the webpage do not sanitize our input, thus we are able to break the code and perform code injection attack.
- we can alter our input to make it execute something like this
//our input is: root /etc/passwd # passthru("grep -i root /etc/passwd # dictionary.txt")
- because the code simply append our input directly into the function
- we are able to inject our own command into it. by manipulating the ways linux execute command.
- doing above example we got this output.
- let us now, view the content of /etc/natas_webpass/natas10
//our input is: '' /etc/natas_webpass/natas10 # passthru("grep -i '' /etc/natas_webpass/natas10 # dictionary.txt")
then we got the password
alternatively we can break command like this
//our input is: '' test.txt & cat /etc/natas_webpass/natas10 # passthru("grep -i '' test.txt & cat /etc/natas_webpass/natas10 # dictionary.txt") //or //our input is: '' . ; cat /etc/natas_webpass/natas10 # passthru("grep -i '' . ; cat /etc/natas_webpass/natas10 # dictionary.txt")
- there are multiple ways to do it.
- this level is same as level9 but our input get filtered by regex.
- let us inspect the regex
- what it does is , it check for any character inside list denoted by the []
- based on it we know that it check for ;, | and & character. only this two.
- from our previous exploit. we don't actually use these characters.
- so we can simply run the same exploit again but change file to natas11
- then we got the password