Redis basic

Redis basic

Installing redis server.

  1. Ubuntu based system.

    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt install redis
    • sudo systemctl start redis
    • redis-cli ping
  2. Centos/RHEAL based system

    • Digital Ocean Reference
    • sudo yum install epel-release
    • sudo yum install redis -y
    • systemctl start redis.service
    • redis-cli ping
  • after running redis-cli ping you will get PONG in return from the server

Connecting Javascript project to redis.

  • to connect our javascript to redis, we use redis node module.
  • install redis using: npm install redis.
  • then you can require the module using: const redis = require('redis')
  • default redis url for redis server in localhost : redis://
  • example code to create connection to server.
    const redis  = require('redis');
    const redisUrl = 'redis://'; 
    const client = redis.createClient(redisUrl);

Storing and Getting Data to Redis

  • redis store data in form of (key,value) index.
  • we can only store string data in redis, so let say you want to store an object or array you need to stringify it into a json object.
  • to store data in redis, we use the set method from the redis node module.
  • example code.
  • to get data from redis, we use get method by giving the key as the parameter
  • example code.
  • the callback for get method returns two value, error and value of the key.
  • so let say we simply want to print the value.
    //this will print the value 'myValue` we previously set.
  • noticed that we are require to pass a callback in order to receive data from server, because this is an asynchronous operation.
  • if you don't want to use callback and instead want to use promise, we can make use of promisify to convert our function into returning a promise.
    const {promisify} = require('util');
    const getAsync = promisify(client.get).bind(client);    
  • getAsync is now our new function that will return a promise
  • we can use it with await or using then
  • example using await.
    //make sure this code run in async function
        const value = await getAsync('myKey');
  • example using .then